While driving down the 405 one evening, I saw a billboard that caught my interest:

The modern and punchy design was arresting and I got the point right away that this airline was all about nonstop, even without seeing the company logo on the lower left. I thought their url xjet.com made the company sound a lot cooler than their actual name, ExpressJet, which made me think of a courier or delivery company (i.e., FedEx, DHL, etc). Plus, it's super-easy to remember and prompted a visit:

The website ties in well to the billboard graphics and it's apparent that there is a good design team behind this effort--everything is well-executed and consistent. I found more signs/graphics that support this impression:

I just love the red-on-black look, accented by a sophisticated muted green color. It feels very fresh right now and I was really impressed with the whole package.
Steph Windham

The modern and punchy design was arresting and I got the point right away that this airline was all about nonstop, even without seeing the company logo on the lower left. I thought their url xjet.com made the company sound a lot cooler than their actual name, ExpressJet, which made me think of a courier or delivery company (i.e., FedEx, DHL, etc). Plus, it's super-easy to remember and prompted a visit:

The website ties in well to the billboard graphics and it's apparent that there is a good design team behind this effort--everything is well-executed and consistent. I found more signs/graphics that support this impression:

I just love the red-on-black look, accented by a sophisticated muted green color. It feels very fresh right now and I was really impressed with the whole package.
Steph Windham