Since we work primarily in consumer electronics, the idea of delivering content and information about a complex product to a customer’s smart phone was a great option. Since most POP never makes it on or near the product, and videos in-store can be cost prohibitive, the idea of being able to fine-tune and control the message in-store was very appealing. The Tag can be placed on packaging, in a brochure or on a sticker.
The Microsoft Tag requires the user to download an app to their smart phone. Once they have the app they use the camera function on their phone to scan the tag and they are taken directly to on-line content. We are suggesting to our clients that they put video content on a customized YouTube channel. This also opens up the possibility of having customers sign up for promotions and special offers while in-store. The relationship with the customer becomes more defined since there are built in tracking, metrics and analysis tools. The one drawback is that flash files can’t be played on an iPhone.

The QR Code works in much the same was as the MS Tag with a few differences:
1) The QR Code is larger than the MS Tag
2) The MS Tag can be customized so it can directly relate to the brand
3) The MS Tag has a more reliable solution for most smart phones
4) The MS Tag has more advanced analytics
The Microsoft Tag requires the user to download an app to their smart phone. Once they have the app they use the camera function on their phone to scan the tag and they are taken directly to on-line content. We are suggesting to our clients that they put video content on a customized YouTube channel. This also opens up the possibility of having customers sign up for promotions and special offers while in-store. The relationship with the customer becomes more defined since there are built in tracking, metrics and analysis tools. The one drawback is that flash files can’t be played on an iPhone.

The QR Code works in much the same was as the MS Tag with a few differences:
1) The QR Code is larger than the MS Tag
2) The MS Tag can be customized so it can directly relate to the brand
3) The MS Tag has a more reliable solution for most smart phones
4) The MS Tag has more advanced analytics
